We are currently worshiping together both in person and online at a simple 9AM Eucharist service. CLICK HERE TO JOIN ON-LINE
What covid-19 restrictions will be in place? Mask-wearing is now optional when we gather indoors. We strongly encourage anyone who is experiencing covid-19 symptoms or has had a known exposure to stay home and worship with us online. Per our diocesan guidelines, we now offer communion in both forms - bread (or gluten free hosts) and a common cup. If you prefer not to drink from the common cup, please know that receiving Communion in one kind (bread only) is a perfectly valid choice and is considered full participation in the Sacrament. Communion by intinction (dipping bread in the cup of wine) is not permitted at this time.
What about children? Of course, children are welcome to church. Children may either stay with their caregivers or come forward to use the Soft Space at the front of the church.
What if I’m not ready to be in person? You will not be alone in that. There will be a Zoom option. Simply log on to Zoom at 9:00 AM to attend synchronously with what is happening in person. While in-person attendees are receiving communion, those on Zoom will offer a prayer for Spiritual Communion. At the end of the service, all those who have attended church on Zoom will have time to talk with one another. If you are interested in having someone bring you communion (bread only) after church, please contact Betsy Swank.
What about the organizations that use our building? The main organization that uses our building is the Village Green Montessori School. We maintain for now the complete separation of their operations from everything else, for the children’s safety. The entire lower level of our building is being used by VGM. Hope Food Pantry, our other major organization, continues to serve our neighbors safely, just as they have been throughout the pandemic.