Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2, NRSV
The Gospel invites us to Walk in Love with our neighbor in their footsteps, with the outcast and the marginalized, with those who need us. As we spread the Good News in our world, we carry the love and support of our congregation and our prayers into our communities. When you share your many gifts with your neighbors, every step is walking in love.
We invite you to walk in love with our St. Lawrence family as we launch our 2025 stewardship campaign. The giving campaign will officially launch on October 13 for kick off Sunday and conclude with our Ingathering Sunday on November 24. Join us for brunch following the Ingathering service to celebrate the conclusion of our stewardship campaign with our strong and resilient St. Lawrence community!
During this period, we will also be collecting gently used shoes that we will donate to Soles4Souls ( We will have a box by the altar for donations.
As a reminder, your pledge can be made in multiple ways. You may drop your pledge card in the basket placed by the altar, you may pledge online, or you may mail in your donation to our office. We ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge commitment so that we can continue to grow, strengthen our parish and invest in our bright future!
Please feel free to reach out to Holly Mainse-Jones or Mary Hazen, your campaign chairs, with any questions. Email Holly and Mary at